The real estate buying guide that we have prepared for you below will provide you with all the necessary information to be able to acquire the property you are interested in in one of the most popular tourist destinations worldwide. Boasting beautiful landscapes, a Mediterranean climate and a fairly low cost of living, Greece is an excellent investment option. In recent years, the real estate market in Greece has seen a significant rise, as prices continue to be very affordable and legislation particularly encourages foreign investors to acquire a property in Greece. Of course, foreign investors are not the only ones who choose to invest in our country, since the residents of Greece also seem to be constantly looking for real estate opportunities. If you are also interested in one of the most efficient investment moves, below you will find in detail all the steps you must follow.

In detail, the steps to purchase a property in Greece are:

Finding the right partners: In order to complete the property purchase process easily and above all safely, the interested party should turn to experienced professionals. In particular, the contribution of a lawyer, a notary, an accountant and a civil engineer - inspector is necessary. By contacting the right real estate agency, you are assured of an experienced team of professionals who will take care of the correct completion of each stage in the purchase of a property in Greece.

Legal Check: This stage is arguably the most basic when buying real estate in Greece, since it will prevent unpleasant consequences at your expense. In particular, the professionals you have appointed will take care to check all the necessary documents of the property to ensure that the property does not present any legal problem.

Advance payment: An advance payment is defined as the payment of a relatively small consideration in order to withdraw the property from the market and begin the procedures for its transfer.

Acquisition process: The process of acquiring the property requires the presence of a notary, who will draw up the contract of sale and undertake the handling of all the necessary issues, always in collaboration with the seller's lawyer. During the stage of acquiring the property, it is necessary to collect various documents on behalf of the buyer as well as the seller, as well as the payment of taxes.

Power of attorney draw: It is carried out by a Greek notary public, with the mandatory presence of an accredited translator and authorizes the lawyer to act on behalf of the foreigner at all stages of the acquisition of the property. This power of attorney also includes the powers granted to the attorney for the purposes of drawing up and executing the Principal Property Purchase Agreement, so that the buyer does not have to deal with long and complicated legal formalities and procedures.

Taxpayer registration and account opening: The attorney, acting in the name and on behalf of the buyer, carries out: a) his registration as a taxpayer in Greece and b) opening a bank account in a Greek Bank, in the name of the buyer.

What are the necessary documents to buy a property in Greece?

  • For the purchase of real estate in Greece, the buyer must present various important and necessary documents. In order to register the real estate, a valid international passport is required, as well as a valid visa that allows the foreigner to enter Greece. In order to complete the opening of the account in a state bank, as we have seen above, in addition to the passport and visa, the following documents are also required: Document confirming permanent residence (internal passport of the country of residence).
  • Official document confirming the buyer's main professional activity.
  • Copy of tax return
  • What is the cost of buying real estate in Greece?

    When purchasing a property in Greece, the fees and additional costs that a buyer should pay are:

  • Title Transfer Tax (approx. 3.5%).
  • Notary Fee (approx. 1.5%).
  • Attorney's Fee (approx. 1.5%).
  • Mortgage Broker's Fee (approx. 0.5%).
  • Estate Agent Fee (2% + VAT (minimum charge 2500 + VAT)).